B-E Kindness Club

The Kindness Club began with teacher Barb Bratvold in February of 1995. In her loving way she taught countless children to follow the motto of the Kindness Club "Follow the Golden Rule and be Bucket Fillers."  

   Our world would be a much better place if everyone looked for ways to fill people's bucket and treat others the way they want to be treated. Everyone has an imaginary bucket that holds your good thoughts and feelings about yourself. When your bucket is full you feel happy, but when it's empty you feel sad. Kindness Club members are encouraged to look for ways to fill other people's buckets by being kind to them. The club's main way of filling buckets is by making and sending get well, sympathy and day brightener cards. Over 65,000 cards have been sent through the years. We like to say our club has traveled around the world as the packs of cards have gone to all 50 states and every continent!

   We have 531 life time members and several honorary adult members. Although Mrs Bratvold retired in 2014, she continues on with her mission of spreading loving kindness. B-E first grade teachers Mrs Dalluge and Mrs Perleberg, share their students with Mrs Bratvold so she can continue on with her good work; making cards for others while teaching character building lessons to the students. "Alumni" members still enjoy helping, so we also have card making times with Grades 2-5. Fifth grade teacher Mr Anderson takes his class to the Evansville Care Campus every month to continue on with the club's "Age to Age" program.         

   Cards and requests can be made by messaging the Kindness Club Facebook page or emailing brat@pretel.com. Make someone and yourself have a better day by filling a bucket with kindness.    

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Kindness Club